Firearms Training

16 Hour Concealed Carry Course

We teach safe responsible firearm use, home defense planning, conflict avoidance, situational awareness and how to remain physically, morally and financially safe in the event you use your firearm in self defense or defense of another.
  • Instructors are Certified NRA Instructors
  • 16 hour Certification Classes provided
  • 3 hour CCL Renewal Classes provided
  • Flexible classroom and range scheduling

Total Fee for Class ($175) covers all requirements needed
Firearm and Ammunition provided
Course Fee does not count towards State of Illinois Application Fee
Class Registrations requires 
Full name, DOB, Address and Email



Conceal + Carry Course
with Basic Pistol Course

We teach safe responsible firearm use, home defense planning, conflict avoidance, situational awareness and how to remain physically, morally and financially safe in the event you use your firearm in self defense or defense of another.
  • Instructors are Certified NRA Instructors
  • 16 hour Certification Classes provided
  • 3 hour CCL Renewal Classes provided
  • Private Instruction + Schedule when you want

Total Fee for Class ($300) covers all requirements needed
Firearm and Ammunition provided
Course Fee does not count towards State of Illinois Application Fee
Class Registrations requires 
Full name, DOB, Address and Email




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angela s. | interscope records

Macaroon liquorice biscuit sweet pastry lemon drops wafer. Jujubes icing candy canes carrot cake biscuit soufflé. Halvah gummies gummies tiramisu wafer. Carrot cake gingerbread donut cake dessert gingerbread. Bonbon cake jelly beans dragée bear claw!

david s. | boeing

Macaroon liquorice biscuit sweet pastry lemon drops wafer. Jujubes icing candy canes carrot cake biscuit soufflé. Halvah gummies gummies tiramisu wafer. Carrot cake gingerbread donut cake dessert gingerbread. Bonbon cake jelly beans dragée bear claw!

molly A | ticketmaster